Chuch picked Linc and I up in the X5. RAD
We could watch the simpsons when the car was stopped at the lights
Ski in for dinner followed by Barney Bananas...
This was our home for the next 2 nights
It hit midnight which meant T-roys birthday which meant shots of course
The birthday boy himself...Happy birthday Legend
Birthday boy with the babe Bridget....
Of course there was a fight at the Karoora...
There was a few people up on the hill this weekend
What are you wearing today?
We really should have called each other first.....
Burnt Hut opened for the first time this season and then it broke down....we had to get towed out. it was rad
Not only do Tom and Chunk dress the same they want to ride the same board....
Shane turned up at buller just in time for dinner and beers....
Another birthday shot for T-roy
Yeah there was a cake....
Shane making ya later buddy
Linc also making skier friends
Robbie Walker won the drunkest dude award by far
And he tore the dance floor apart
Chuck killing it of course
Chuck was a little hung over on sunday and put his boots on before his snowboard pants.RAD
would you say shane "ducked in" for beers and dinner ralph.... would you???
ReplyDeletelove from jan