SALT LAKE CITY airport after some snow.

Pit stop in Minneapolis

Then I was at DNA. This is the mini in the warehouse. So rad

They even have a bank in the parking lot to shred

I might have eaten Chipotle Burritos a few times while I was there.

Then I arrive in Vancouver where my good friend Carlson pick me up and gives me a bed for the night. GOOD CUNT

He even gets up in the morning and drives me to the bus station in his rad RED slippers

Even the Breakfast burrito from Maccas was legit

Santa was in the Whistler Village

Linc and Sqwiz introducing me to the Ceaser. oh oh

Beth Rowdie and Jess all proper

Then this happened...

maybe getting a little drunk

Opps i think Beth did that....

Peak to Peak view

Lunchtime Ceasers...RAD

Sushi village for dinner. ROCK, PAPER, SCIZZERS to see who eats the wasabi

Beth lost

SAKI. oh oh

I wear my sunglasses at night

Red Hands????

Camilla and Beth pretty happy/drunk

Go away Stevo

Of course I bump into Nat Perry

Yeah Camilla

Creepy Linc going in for the tit grab

And again Linc going for it

Smell my shoe lace

Okay so this photo is AMAZING in so many ways. First Linc is taking a piss in the snow with his pant and boxers around his ankle. Secondly the next night when linc realizes he has lost his camera we are going through my photos to see if we can track any photos of mine that might show when he had his camera last. If you look on the ground to the right you will see exactly where Lincs camera ended up. Not rad that he lost his camera but I am pretty stoked i have the evidence of where it ended up.


SHIRTS OFF in the club

The only was to end a night out. Pizza with Blue cheese spread. RAD
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